Crochet Celtic Border + Celtic Lace Joins

Crochet Celtic Border + Celtic Lace Joins
The Crochet Celtic Lace Join that has an incredible border is an oldy but a goody. The border can be used on its own or you can combine it to make it join to existing Celtic lace borders if you are thinking ahead. The border is fabulous for just one afghan but then used in combination with other motifs can be very visually appealing. I have seen where people use the same colour of yarn for the entire border but I think changing the colour can be very appealing. The Celtic Lace is shown from the edge of the gray. The tutorial is very comprehensive and explains how you can apply the border and cheat your way to get the right count of an edge of a square. You don't have to have a square to apply this join as long as you hit the target stitches to go across. To this concept, you need a minimum of 5 sts. After the 5 are in, to increase the width to stay in balance, you must increase by 4 sts. So the next would be 9, 13, 17, 21, 25, 29, 33, 37, 41, 45, 53, 57, 61 + 4 + 4 + 4 if you can understand what I mean by increasing in 4s.  Get the free pattern shown here at

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