Loom Knit: Yarn Knots and Ball Changing

Loom Knit: Yarn Knots and Ball Changing
If you are running out of yarn or the yarn ball has a knot that you need to remove, the steps involved are how to overcome that challenge. It's not yarn, yes, a bit inconvenient at times but it's a necessary evil to deal with. In larger projects like the shawl, I am working on. I'm currently on ball 3, so I haven't had to deal with it regardless. Learn how to manage the yarn and move on. 0:00 Start 0:06 Introduction 0:40 Get Close to Knot 1:05 Prepare to End the Yarn 1:49 Prepare New Yarn 2:16 Move Yarn Tails Through Loom to Hold 3:14 A Hole is Created to Watch Out For 3:43 Secure Ends and Close In Hole

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